Good Morning’ Starshine.
The Earth says Hello.
My Love and I and Starshine.
The early morning …sing a song.
I loved the live musical HAIR in London in 1970. My theme song forever. Today ……was unusual. I slept in …a rare occurrence because I absolutely love being a member of that 5 a.m. Club. Robin Sharma, an amazing guru, introduced me to the concept during a 66 day adventure beginning in May 08, 2017. . The “song I sing” in the mornings sets me up for experiencing a calmness I have never really known…until now. A big glass of water, brushing my teeth with my left hand to ……. Then the 20-20-20-twenty minutes of yoga, 20 minutes of meditation and twenty minutes of learning something new in the early morning primes my day. Of course I had to custom it to ME and added ten minute to each ritual as well as include twenty minutes of Journaling adding The 10 Blessing and Five Wins in my writing portion. Crazy thing – MAYBE I HAVE OCD but if I do not do the yoga first VERY likely the routine doesn’t happen. Sometimes I am half asleep at 5:00 a.m. namely because I have stayed up too late and I talk myself into just checking Facebook or answering messages on my phone or switching to Meditation first. Disaster! I either fall asleep meditating or get so distracted with all the social media coming at me and my mind is gone to some other far less valuable activity-unloading the dishwasher, cleaning the bathroom- during my SACRED time when it is so still and silent. A time when I can feel the ground beneath my feet. I knew when I awoke today-late -and my erratic mind flipping from one thing to another before the first thought was finished, I knew that the first thing I should do was get things in formation. I needed yoga to focus and meditation to calm my ADHD mind but somehow the Iphone did not stop dinging, the phone continued ringing and in the first hour I had six demands coming right at me. I was already attempting to juggle it all. No priorities established. Could I have said no to each of them? Probably ……but I did not take the time to …..pause and breathe. I could have flipped back to my…program..but I didn’t. So as I write my first blog since 2013 I wonder if I have progressed at all in my quest to be more laid back-less focused on filling every moment of the day with meaningful activity and following an actual program to begin my day with serenity and peace. Leaping into my day before I greet it with the Love and Peace of an old hippie without the pot needs to be my modus operandus. It is my drug of choice. So today as I sit at my computer and feel the disappointment in myself I decide to STOP! DROP ONTO MY YOGA MAT and START the day again.. Not having little kids with a need for a shoe tied or a form signed or a tear dried allows me this privilege. SO….Excuse me when I “DUST”. Be right back! Oh Oh. I need to check on my newest little sweetheart who needed to see the doctor today about her tongue die. OMG. Give me ten. I will time it. Today my life restarts at noon. But is David okay cutting trees alone in the bush? Come on mind cut to the chase and decrease time of each segment to 10 minutes. As Nike would say JUST DO IT! Okay I thought I would add music but cord for the player was behind the filing cabinet and wasn’t working. Time was a ticking’. Checked the cords. The tape player is now playing a melody for newborns…. Breathe Sandra Breathe! CUT TO THE CHASE! GET TO IT! I did! Just off the mat and feeling better already! Meditate. OKAY. Calm App here we come! Take a deep breath. the breath-a response we can control. So Cool!
Okay meditation done. feeling more grounded. Now the Blessings and the Five Wins.
-m thought: I need to set firmer boundaries with both the demands of my therapeutic “job” and remember my desire to write. It is my writing that gets kicked to the curb as the stories swirl in my head.